Nothing can dim the light that shines from within - Maya Angelou

You must start with loving yourself

Almost every person on earth struggles with their body image.  Common phrases include "No one will love me because I'm fat."  "I'm ugly." "My nose is too big".  "I'm too thin".  "I'm too tall." "I'm too short."  The list goes on and on and on.

The truth is that you are perfect the way you are.  But, your health is important.  And, in order to be healthy, you may have issues to address.

The key is grace.  IF you want to change something, allow yourself some grace.  It's not easy.  On these pages, I will share my experiences and offer suggestions.  I'll also meet with you one-on-one to help you with your individual issues.

I truly want to help you succeed -- in whatever way works for you. How can I help you learn to love yourself